Handbell choir director position

Shoreline Ringers Music Director Job Description

About Shoreline Ringers:

Shoreline Ringers is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation whose purpose is to support the continued development of the art of handbell ringing, and to promote the ringing of handbells as a legitimate musical art by presenting concert performances of distinction. SLR also endeavors to foster the musical growth of its membership, and contribute to the increased knowledge and appreciation of handbell music in southeastern Connecticut and beyond.

Members of SLR value the positive group spirit we have built since our creation in 2006. We ring challenging repertoire (level 4,5,6) on 5 ½ octaves of Malmark handbells and 7 octaves of chimes and enjoy being challenged and affirmed as ringers. As a volunteer organization, members pull together to contribute to the group’s success using all of our various talents. We delight in bringing joy to our audiences and are gratified to be recognized for the musicality and professionalism in our performances during our holiday and spring concert seasons. Our popular educational programs are a unique way to spread awareness of the history of handbells and how they are used today.

Shoreline Ringers’ goals as an organization for the next three to five years are:
● Find and welcome a new director who will keep the fun and positive spirit alive along with our hard work.
● Make new recordings, which will include both digital and CD/DVD options.
● Broaden our venues, including at least one non-church location per season (ideally a school or library) and one larger joint concert with another group every three years
● Continue, and possibly expand, our educational programs, including linking our programs to upcoming concerts when possible and ensuring that all members have the opportunity to participate if interested. Efforts will be made to ensure that some of our educational programs reach out to racially and economically diverse audiences with limited exposure to handbells.
● Consider seeking another national performance opportunity.

Music Director Job Description and Qualifications:
Shoreline Ringers seeks a Music Director who will work within the executive committee-led structure of
the organization to foster a collaborative environment for the purpose of musical excellence. The
executive committee is responsible for running the business side of the organization while the Music
Director is responsible for the musical and artistic vision.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Have primary responsibility for the full ensemble’s concert music programs including music selection and ringer placement.
  2. Recruit potential new ringers to fill in membership/ringer gaps. We are a non-auditioned organization and typically assess people through substitute ringing at rehearsals.
  3. Prepare and conduct all regular and special rehearsals and performances.
  4. Develop ringers to maintain high quality performances at advanced skill levels, thereby improving musical and artistic results.
  5. Attend workshops/masterclasses to enhance skills as a musician, conductor, and teacher.
  6. Support SLR’s community outreach, education programs, and small ensemble performances.
  7. Attend Area 1 Festival Conference and other regional/national events with the ensemble as agreed to by the membership. Expenses will not be covered by Shoreline Ringers.
  8. Attend Executive Committee and membership meetings, and make a quarterly report to the Executive Committee and annual report to the membership.
  9. Perform such other duties as are incidental to the role of Music Director.


  1. Handbell directing experience and understanding of music theory.
  2. Mastery of handbell ringing and ability to diagnose and correct technique of players.
  3. Knowledge of the essence of performance, including learning, motivation, and individual differences in ability, personality, and interests.
  4. Ability to objectively assess and direct your own performance, including rehearsal planning, conducting skills, music selection, etc.
  5. Solid leadership and people skills; cooperative and outgoing, enthusiastic and energetic.
  6. Comfort speaking publicly at concerts and as a representative of the organization.
  7. Knowledge of current and past handbell repertoire.

The Music Director may choose to receive a stipend between $2,000 and $4,000 for one calendar year, which includes two concert seasons. Compensation determined by experience.

Application Process:
Candidates should submit a resume, cover letter, and list of references to shorelineringers@gmail.com on or before April 14, 2023. Submitted materials should address the following:

  1. Candidate’s musical background, including instruments played, degrees and/or studies
  2. Handbell ringing experience
  3. Directing experience, including specifically directing handbells, Director Certification or
    equivalent experience
  4. Past leadership roles relevant to this position
  5. What excites the candidate about being a part of Shoreline Ringers
  6. References including at least one who has rung under the candidate’s direction and one who has
    worked with the candidate in a different capacity.
  7. Candidates are strongly encouraged to include links to their recordings or programs if available

Qualified candidates will participate in virtual interviews the first two weeks of May. Top candidates will be invited to submit five selections of both holiday and spring repertoire as sample programs for Shoreline Ringers and will be invited to direct a portion of the group’s rehearsal on June 7 or 14, 2023. Selected Music Director to be announced in July.